Use of SAP (PM Module) in preventive maintenance

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What you need to know to suit NR:12

According to the Digital Observatory of Health and Occupational Safety,Brazil is in fourth place in the world when it comes to work accidents. There are about 700,000 of them a year, which is equivalent to one accident every 45 seconds during office hours. Alarming data such as these led the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) to create the Regulatory Standard NR:12, which aims to ensure the safety of equipment, both for the benefit of employees and employers.

This standard is one of the most important of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) and has been undergoing several updates over the years. The latter took place through Ordinance No. 916of the Ministry of Economy, which entered into force in July 2019. For this reason, it is essential that organizations know the guideline, which covers the entire life cycle of machines, optimizing safety and minimizing losses.

Follow our post and learn more about it!

What is NR:12?


NR:12 is the acronym for Regulatory Standard Number 12 that, as we mention, aims to ensure basic safety standards for the work environment of employees who work in the assembly and operation of equipment of various natures, such as industrial and agricultural.

According to what is contained in an excerpt of the standard itself, which is even one of the most extensive of the CLT, it and its annexes: “define technical references, fundamental principles and protective measures to ensure the health and physical integrity of workers and establishes minimum requirements for the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases in the design and use phases of machinery and equipment of all types, as well as their manufacture, import, marketing, exposure and assignment to any


Why should your company fit in?

First, it is essential that organisations take part in NR:12 because of the problems that accidents at work can cause to both the employee and the employer. The following are the main reasons for prioritizing compliance with the standard:

Human factor


A simple oversight related to the maintenance of equipment is capable of causing serious damage to individuals, who may be left with limitations. Families are also affected, after all, often depend on these people for survival.

Not to mention that fatal accidents are capable of causing irreparable emotional problems, as well as severely compromising the lives of family members in addition to negatively weighing on the company’s image.

Financial factor

The financial aspect reaches all involved. For starters, the employee often maintains family income and becomes unable to continue working if he suffers an accident.

The entrepreneur, in turn, needs to pay compensation, lawsuits, among others. Not to mention the reputation in the market and in society, which can harm the operation and continuity of the company.

Another relevant point is the Brazilian economy as a whole, since it is directly impacted by costs related to removals and with productions harmed or interrupted.

Judicial and bureaucratic factor

Complying with NR:12 is not only a matter of choice by organizations, but an obligation that, if not fulfilled, can generate fines, notifications, assessments and interdictions. In addition, there are numerous lawsuits in court that discuss compensation related to work accidents.

It is important to emphasize that, in addition to unexpected circumstances, there are incidents caused on purpose by workers, who aim to receive unduly compensation or other types of benefits. Strange as it may seem, NR:12 also aims to protect employers in this regard.

What should the suitability of regulatory standard NR: 12 be on the lookout for?


The need for adaptation to NR:12 involves all areas of an industry that operate equipment capable of causing accidents. The company’s planning should establish processes, responsibilities and training of equipment operators, as well as the work safety team, which includes contracted or outsourced employees.

The program to be developed should also describe all activities related to the application of machinery protections, inspections, team responsibilities, safe working practices, record maintenance and training requirements. To be clearer, check out some important points for suitability:

  • equipment protections must have a physical barrier that makes it impossible for the operator to place any part of the body in the risk zones during their cycle;
  • tamper-proof protections, so that they cannot be removed or tampered with by employees;
  • equipment should be immediately removed on the ipending of any risks. To do this, employees must have access to devices that can be triggered emergencyly;
  • the lubrication of the machines of preference should be done without the employees having to take away the proper protections;
  • interfere not with the operation of the equipment under any circumstances.

There are several details to be observed by organizations that intend to act according to NR:12 and thus offer a safer environment to all teams.

How to suit NR: 12?


The first step of adequacy to NR:12 should be a preliminary analysis of the inventory of equipment and its risks, in order to consider the most common scenarios and implement concepts such as “safe failure”, which consists in minimizing or eliminating the risk even in cases of malfunction. That is, the machine can enter a safe mode that provides protection to workers in the event of performance failures.

Other important aspects are administrative aspects, which include policies, procedures and work safety instructions, in addition to the provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PIs) for each type of activity.

The standard can be implemented for new equipment projects or on systems already in the organization. For this, it is possible to count on the help of specialized companies, which provide guidance and assist in the development of important procedures for the adequacy to NR:12.

Did you know that Nalbatech works with the best automation solutions that allow your company to tailor to NR:12? If you want to meet. If you want to know them, please contact us and schedule a meeting. We will be delighted to serve you!


Tips to convince your manager of the importance of industrial maintenance

In the day-to-day of industrial operations, it is not uncommon for the Operations Manager or the person responsible for the shop floor to find it difficult to establish an industrial maintenance schedule. The truth is that, in many places, the topic is still considered as a minor concern.

But anyone who understands the subject knows it’s not like that.

Good industrial maintenance can be decisive for the company to comply with its strategic planning,reducing costs and boosting productivity. However, not all managers see these benefits.

Thus, to the person responsible for the shop floor, it is the task of clarifying the theme and explaining the importance of applying good industrial maintenance throughout the factory. And you encounter difficulties like these, so common in the Brazilian manufacturing environment?

In this content, we’ll share some tips that can help you direct your arguments. After all, industrial maintenance is one of the pillars of companies that seek a differential now and in the future, but what is left for you to convince your manager of this? Check out!

Maintenance as a strategic function

The production chain of a company is not something simple. It is a complex system whose function goes far beyond production simply. In fact, the shop floor plays an essential strategic role for the company as a whole, being the core of what it sells. Among other cases, the productive sector:

  • Contributes to the company’s main objectives;
  • It is a place that requires intense planning;
  • It has a technical machinery, whose conditions influence in all production — and consequently, in the results;
  • It needs the greatest possible effectiveness and effectiveness, because its operation should be continuous to the maximum.

With this, you can understand why industrial maintenance is so important. This is the planned process that guarantees this desired productive continuity.

However, you may wonder: how does maintenance influence production to the point of ensuring these results?

  • Quality,as it reduces the need for rework and keeps all machinery and equipment in the best conditions.
  • Agility,as it makes the production level even more optimized by reducing machine downtime.
  • Flexibility,because there are different concepts that can be applied in various situations, avoiding problems from different sources.
  • Savings,because it ensures the maximum operation of the machinery, enhancing its useful life and avoiding unexpected expenses.

How to have an industrial maintenance up to date

Once your manager understands the importance of industrial maintenance, you need to be aware of your practice. After all, how to keep your application up to date? It’s not just about observing the conditions of a machine and deciding whether to fix it or not.

At this point, it is necessary to consider some mandatory tasks that will facilitate your day to day. Check:

Registration and classification of assets

Your inventory needs constant updating with each move. This way, you can make a more appropriate control of what enters and leaves your shop floor, thus evaluating the daily, weekly, monthly demands, etc.

A classification system serves to hierarchize these assets into a logic of importance: the greater their relevance to the shop floor, the higher in the hierarchy. Therefore, more important to be evaluated by the inspectors.

Create different maintenance plans

The world of industrial maintenance is based on three very important concepts:

Predictive maintenance, preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance.

The three are part of the day-to-day of an optimized shop floor, in which maintenance is prioritized. After all, each concept has its peculiarity and your company must be prepared to apply them in every type of situation. Therefore, planning is essential.

Technology to assist management and make the progress of activities more flexible

Like all business processes today, it is not feasible to keep activity records and Work Orders in spreadsheets or folders, for example. In fact, it takes a system that integrates all of this so that everyone involved can access information, documentation, among others.

SAP PM®, sap’s ERP Plant Maintenance management module, is one of the most recommended.

Moreover, it is necessary to think about the flexibility of the work performed. Some industrial plants do not allow the specialist to perform maintenance without first informing the system of any exchange. Often, in fieldwork, this communication is even more limited.

Therefore, an application that enables this interaction via smartphone, even offline, is the best alternative.

Learn about industrial maintenance indicators

Now, it’s time to understand what’s working and what’s not in your industrial maintenance plan. How to accomplish this task? After all, just relying on the reports issued by your management software is not enough. It is necessary to start from a principle, but which one?

The guidelines you are looking for are named: maintenance indicators. Below are some of the main ones:

MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) | Average Time Between Failures

This is the relationship between the total time in hours of a machine running and the number of times a failure occurred. This result gives you an average of hours between each failure, indicating your propensity for failure, which can help you plan.

MTTR (Mean Time To Repair) | Average Time for Repair

The relationship between the time (in minutes or hours) of repairs performed on a machine (the sum) and the number of times the intervention was required. The result will be the average repair time required, which will tell you how long the production will suffer from the shutdown.

Asset Availability

This indicator tells you the possibility of a machine being available for use. It follows a formula that takes into account the two indicators above:

Availability: (MTBF / (MTBF + MTTR)) x 100

The result is the percentage of availability.

Percentage of Maintenance Cost

Indicates the annual cost in relation to the company’s revenue. The formula is similar to the one above, being:

Maintenance Cost: (Total Maintenance Cost / Gross Billing) x 100

The result represents the percentage of the cost. The Brazilian average is no more than 4.

Maintenance cost per ERV

This indicator concerns the cost of maintenance per asset. In this case, ERV stands for Estimated Replace Value. The formula is known as CPMR:

CPMR: (Total spent on asset maintenance / Asset purchase value) x 100

The result will be a percentage that indicates whether it is worth keeping the asset in question. In general, it is considered 2.5 as maximum. If the result passes this, it means that the asset (machine) no longer has a good cost x benefit and can be considered an exchange.

Now that you know how to convince your manager of the importance of industrial maintenance, how to put in place a management plan and how to manage it, the time has come to put everything into practice!

For this, count on the help of Nalbatech. The company specializes in creating technological solutions such as SAN Mobile. The application is compatible with SAP PM® and assists in automating mobile processes.

Contact one of our experts right now!


Industrial Maintenance: the before and after with San Mobile

In times of race for the optimization of internal processes, the eyes of the specialists turn to the factories. After all, where to begin this transformation? Applying concepts like Industry 4.0 gives you an idea —because it points to the path of technology. However, it is necessary a more micro look, which observes each stage of the productive routine. With a brief analysis, it is possible to identify the opportunities in the field of Industrial Maintenance — and also the doubts. So how to improve precisely this process, adapting its application with current technologies and modern requirements?

The answer is in SAN Mobile, mobile maintenance app.

In fact, the lack of solutions like this has always been a pain of companies with manufacturing plants and whose industrial maintenance was a daily necessity.

After all, year after year, what we saw was an evolution of the technological level of machinery. Increasingly, machines have become smarter and more efficient. However, they are still machines —and industrial maintenance is a necessity for all of them.

According to research by American experts, every dollar a company stops investing in industrial maintenance can cost the quadruple in the future. That is, relegating a $1,000 intervention today could cause a $4,000 loss to your pocket at some point.

Therefore, the question remains: what happened to the industrial maintenance stage? What has evolved it to the point of aligning it with current industry practices and trends?

After all, that’s necessary, everyone knows. To discover this scenario, remembering how industrial maintenance was conducted before SAN Mobile and what impacts after its application, just continue reading this article.
If your company is looking for modern solutions that revolutionize your industrial maintenance processes, surely the content will be of great benefit.

Check out!

Industrial Maintenance before SAN Mobile


Until a few years ago, what was seen in companies was a mismatch between the technological level of the manufacturing plant, which embraced innovation, and the industrial maintenance technique.

Not that the methods were outdated, but in much, the tools were.

A factory floor is an essential part of a company, full of sectors. In an automaker, there are cores for each part of an automobile beyond the assembly line. In a metalworking company, there is machining, welding, drilling, among others.
Industrial maintenance as it was before was based on a monolithic inspection method. Build a predictive maintenance routine:

The operator of a machine noticed a problem and warned the inspector, who then checked it. All the notes made on a record or something. After that, this form had to pass to the system for the appropriate Work Orders to be issued.

Of course that is not the case for all companies, but it is possible to imagine similar situations in various scenarios, right?

Now, imagine: how much time and resources were invested for this particular case? The escalation of activities impresses, even when we talk about a hypothetical case. In a complete factory plant, the scenery is even scarier.
Despite walking, industrial maintenance has always been conducted idling.

In fact, due to a bureaucracy of control that, although necessary, relied on methods and resources that inhibited it from any agility.

There were some side effects felt. In smaller companies, for example, the very role of industrial maintenance has been put into question. Not ignored, but not seen as a priority.

Not for less, to date, the loss of unscheduled stops at U.S. companies costs a lot of money: up to $50 billion annually.

Revolution: What changes in Industrial Maintenance with SAN Mobile?

SAN Mobile is precisely this step beyond what companies needed, a way to feel what Industry 4.0 is.

The solution developed by Nalbatech integrates with your SAP PM, the ERP Plant Maintenance management module.

With SAN Mobile, as the name suggests, industrial maintenance actions can be managed by mobile devices (even without an Internet connection).

On practical issues, this means that all power and agility of action focuses on the hands of your operators and maintenance specialists. Thus, they do not rely on preventative technologies or are at the mercy of time-consuming processes, such as the posting of Work Orders, for example.

Everything can be done, accessed and updated on time, speeding up the industrial maintenance process to a level never seen before.

In the industrial context, SAN Mobile means industrial maintenance that can be practiced more dynamically, in real time. The application assists in the management of all industrial maintenance within the shop floor. Among the activities it facilitates are:

  • inspection;
  • notifications;
  • corrective maintenance;
  • preventive maintenance;
  • repairs (corrective maintenance).

The purpose of the application is to serve as a means for professionals in the field to perform their tasks on site, in real time.

This eliminates the occurrence of parallel controls that generate conflicting and outdated data. This reduces the amount of rework at the same time that you qualify data collection, making the analysis of this information even more reliable.

It also stands out the best access to system data — because the application is available for SAP HANA and SAP ECC. With a simple and intuitive interface, any professional can find himself in the system and access notes, installation locations, measurement documents, hours of activity, work orders, equipment and more.

Another benefit is that SAN Mobile enables customizations in an extremely agile and low cost manner at no additional cost. That is, you can transform it into an application tailored to the needs of your business, improving your industrial maintenance without development obstacles.

SAN Mobile is a step further for companies looking to get closer to Industry 4.0. Better industrial maintenance streamlines processes and makes your productive routine more effective, as well as extending the service life of your machinery.

Want to know more about the app and how it can benefit your business? Contact Nalbatech!

Industry 4.0 – What changes in maintenance?

Technology is in advance and every day the concept of industry 4.0 gains more strength in all areas of the market. The first three industrial revolutions allowed mass production, assembly lines, electricity and information technology. The fourth generates a much deeper impact, as it is characterized by a set of technologies that makes the fusion of the physical, digital and biological world. But what is the impact of industry 4.0 on maintenance? Check out the following article.

Industry 4.0: what is it?

It was at the Hanover Fair in 2011 that the term Industry 4.0 was first used. At the time, it was a way of naming the changes that occurred in industrial processes through technology and computerization. In fact, it is an industry concept that encompasses the main technological innovations in the areas of automation, control and technology applied to manufacturing processes.

In summary, Industry 4.0 means the increase of technologies in the manufacturing industry, with machines and equipment fully integrated into internet networks. With this, the management of processes becomes simpler and in real time, allowing access from any location.

However, according to information from the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI),about 43 of the companies still do not identify digital technologies as driving factors in the industry. This is because the high cost of implementation, the difficulty of return on investment, the structure and the new culture end up generating great challenges for the adoption of these technologies in manufacturing.

Industry principles 4.0

Industry 4.0 has features that allow you to collect and analyze machine data. With this, the processes become more agile and efficient, improving production and consequently reducing costs. However, for its implementation it is necessary to know and apply the six principles of industry 4.0 that determine intelligent production systems. Check out!

1. Interoperability

Interoperability addresses the ability of systems to connect with other systems. In summary, the contact between the employees responsible for productivity and the equipment used in the process becomes possible through the Internet of Things and a management system, such as ERP, for example. With this, you can collect data that can be used by a company value chain.

2. Modularity

With Industry 4.0 it is possible to plan manufacturing in modules, that is, with a production more focused on customization. In summary, manufacturing can be done according to the demand, coupling and uncoupling of modules in production. This brings much more flexibility to modify equipment demands very easily. With this, it is also possible to save more and improve production.

3. Decentralization

This is one of the principles of the fourth most anticipated revolution by the market, as it will be able to reduce errors and costs. Moreover, the technologies involved in the production processes of a company already adapted to Industry 4.0, allow systems to have autonomy to make decisions according to the needs of manufacturing. In this process, electronic tools know exactly what to do through machine learning-based analytics.

4. Service Guidance

This principle refers to the connection of humans and machines to perform certain tasks. This concept also aims to make the applications used available as a kind of service. The advantage is to standardize methods and processes, so that practices are followed more easily and criteria, according to planning.

5. Real-time capability

This principle is fundamental because it is about the ability to react to the events of the value chain in real time. The sum of data usage and a management system, that is, using the Internet of Things in favor of your company allows you to control and analyze in real time everything that is necessary for decision making. In addition, it makes known all the steps and development of each process.

6. Virtualization

Virtualization is a principle that allows information to be compiled. For this, it is necessary to have a team trained in dataanalysis, so that the information collected is a differential for manufacturing, also generating competitiveness in the market.

Industry 4.0 in maintenance: understand the relationship

With the arrival of Industry 4.0 in maintenance, processes have evolved. That is, the term preventive became predictive, after all, the new technologies allow to identify sources of potential failures in order to take action before they occur.

The changes that the fourth industrial revolution brought have a direct impact on the processes and the way products are manufactured. The impact of Industry 4.0 on asset maintenance is made through solutions, which enable management in production systems to become simpler. Thus, you can have a greater capacity for operation and planning.

This makes it easier to identify the causes of errors and avoid them before they even occur. Industry 4.0 in maintenance is premised to analyze performance indicators and predict the causes of equipment failures and depreciation. In this process, risk analysis techniques are widely used.

Affordable data from anywhere

The dynamics of maintenance in the fourth revolution is totally new and unites the concepts of preventive and predictive maintenance with intelligent monitoring. This is all integrated with online and real-time access to information in the production chain. Thus, the professional can access the data of any factory, regardless of where it is located, and can even be in units of different countries, for example.

This information can be important for quick and assertive decision making. Thus, it is possible that the maintenance area has an increasingly strategy applied to the processes, increasing productivity in the organization and reducing losses by stopped machines.

For example, if there is an imminent failure in the components of a machine, the professional can verify exactly which equipment is in trouble and the exact position of the occurrence. It is also possible to generate graphs through an integrated software, facilitating the study of the source of the failure and the behavior of the problem. Industry 4.0 in maintenance also allows systems to be interconnected providing greater control of processes.

Industry 4.0’s maintenance solutions

We have already realized how much Industry 4.0 impacts predictive maintenance. In fact, the industry needs to be highly effective in its processes to meet the numerous demands, that is, they need to meet strict supply schedules. Any failure can interfere with the production chain.

In this sense, technologies bring new features to improve predictive maintenance and make it more efficient, cost-effective, and more accurate. But for this, it is necessary to use different technological solutions, which allow to provide data for operational and informative support. These data are highly essential for the performance of managers and maintenance teams.

Machine Learning

Industry 4.0 in maintenance works with Machine Learning linked to artificial intelligence and brings an elementary concept to the modern industry. Applying this reality to equipment is much simpler today.

The technology and automation features allow this implementation more conveniently for professionals. With Machine Learning it is possible to program and manage large industries, organizing the demands and routines of maintenance professionals.

Big Data

We’ve talked about how important data is and how it can be used through Industry 4.0 in maintenance. In this era, they are highly important items, as they allow to control methodologies and management systems in a strategic way. Thus, Big Data becomes indispensable in predictive maintenance.

Through Big Data, information collected in relation to failures, maintenance and repairs becomes an important tool to provide an overview of equipment performance. In addition, with this data in hand it is possible to replace any equipment easily and even have a quick and accurate decision making if necessary.

IOT (Internet of Things)

The Internet of Things is increasingly present in industrial production processes and is a great ally of predictive maintenance. After all, the productive sector has been transformed with the implementation of new technologies, with sensors and data sharing. With IOT, three technology fronts are generally applied in the industry, such as sensor-driven computing, industrial analysis, and intelligent machine application.

Data that was once inaccessible, become part of the day-to-day industrial planning. With this, it is possible to create new sources of revenue and explore the capabilities of the fronts implemented with Industry 4.0 in maintenance. In addition, any failure is quickly identified and reported to the responsible teams, allowing for early action.

And you, like to know more about how Industry 4.0 is positively impacting maintenance? Also know that Nalbetech can take your company to a high level in this direction, bringing the best technological solutions. Want to know more about it? Please contact us.



Maintenance as a strategic function: know how it works

Quality, cost reduction and efficiency are the main goals of companies in any industry in the age of industry 4.0 in which we are living. Maintenance as a strategic function plays a key role, as it ensures the availability of the company’s equipment and resources. Moreover, it is a strong ally in today’s management systems.


There are so many processes and spreadsheets that are used by maintenanceprofessionals, that they end up getting lost and have difficulties in understanding the characteristics of the company’s equipment. And this delays the preventive process, resulting only in a corrective maintenance, which in turn causes damage to the business.


Having maintenance as a strategic function is beneficial to the business and ensures much more quality, economy and return on processes. Here’s how to outline strategies and what benefits for your business.


How to outline maintenance strategies in your company


To use maintenance as a strategic role in your organization, you need to have good planning. Only in this way is it possible to have professionals qualified to optimize the use of equipment without risk, presenting only solutions. Strategic management is solely responsible for defining where, when and why to apply each type of maintenance.


With this, it is possible to ensure greater availability of equipment and consume as little as possible resources. In addition, the maintenance strategy allows the industry to identify operational bottlenecks, while also improving machine performance. In this sense, five pillars should serve as a guideline for planning: costs, flexibility, efficiency, quality and reliability.

The main objectives of maintenance as a strategic function are:

  • Make a diagnosis related to aspects such as services, processes, competitiveness, vulnerability and quality of products;
  • Implement projects that modify and optimize processes;
  • Monitor and monitor the effectiveness of actions and implementation steps.

With it it is also possible to establish guidelines for maintenance strategies of equipmentinstalled in the company. On the other hand, it allows systematizing the maintenance of the machines according to the importance in the production and risks that a possible failure would cause to the business.


Several areas should be involved in the decisions that will outline the maintenance strategy, such as inventory, human resources, logistics and production. After all, these will be the sectors affected by the actions. There are many methodologies that can be used by the market. Next, we’ll talk about one of them: Maintenance Planning and Control (MPC).


MPC and planning phases


MPC is a service methodology that ensures data management, the search for improvements and good planning of processes within a company. In fact, these are the pillars that ensure the success of a business.


This methodology is what provides for the execution of maintenance from start to finish, ensuring that strategic management is applied with all processes and resources. This ensures the operation of the assets and the improvement of the operation. In fact, this is an extension of the maintenance department.

MPC assignments


There are many assignments to the MPC that are of fundamental importance to the maintenance results. They vary according to the model adopted by each company. However, we will see which are the main ones used in the planning of the maintenance strategy.

  • Creation of the schedule: it is the schedule that will guide the work and ensure the flow of activities. Thus, it is necessary to be careful not to overload the team, determining deadlines not reachable by all;
  • Stop scheduling: The action serves to maintain the good condition of the equipment and repair damage and other risks. With the PCM it is possible to have the necessary information to program the exact moment of the stop;
  • Service instruction: it aims to describe the activities and resources that will be important for each type of intervention;
  • Resource planning: it is also necessary to plan resources for procurement of materials such as parts, components and even labor contracting to perform maintenance;
  • Follow-up: all processes should be analyzed and compared with the results obtained, because it is essential to review the actions if something is not going as planned;
  • Instrumentation: in some cases, there is a lot of equipment that needs to be measured with a certain periodicity and the MPC makes planning for this to occur on schedule.

The benefits of maintenance as a strategic function


There are many benefits of using maintenance as a strategic function. One of them is safety, because equipment that is up to date with maintenance tend to have fewer accidents. In addition, achieving continuous improvement, ensuring the operation and control of production processes in the company are also benefits. Check out some more advantages of using the strategy in your company.

Increased quality


Maintenance plays a key role in the production line and quality of services. After all, this depends on the constant operation of the equipment. However, it is only possible to achieve the results with more preventive and less corrective maintenance and this is only possible with a well-planned and implemented MPC.


Increased production


Maintenance planning allows the most common problems to be raised, enabling an action plan to be developed to resolve them as soon as possible. Thus, the schedule of production lines can be followed faithfully, reducing unforeseen events with cases of unscheduled maintenance. In addition, you can also provision resources for future services.




As we mentioned earlier, working with maintenance as a strategic function is also possible to keep everyone safe. In fact, the accident rate is something that worries industry worldwide. Typically, they are caused by mechanical or operational failures that can be avoided with efficient maintenance planning.




Certainly cost reduction is one of the most significant impacts of strategic maintenance management. The economy with reworks is huge. Not to mention that employee productivity also increases, as they waste less time stopping equipment during maintenance.


Maintenance indicators


Another benefit of maintenance as a strategic function is the monitoring of KPIs, maintenance performance indicators. They assist in overall maintenance quality and improve production performance. This data is important because it provides information about the causes of repairs in categories separated by equipment lifecycle, making it easier to identify where to focus efforts to increase reliability.


Now that you know all the benefits and steps to plan a maintenance strategy, how about you start implementing in your company? Please contact us.



What are you missing without SAN Mobile

Agility, mobility and assertiveness in real time for better decision making, this is what your company loses when it does not have SAN Mobile. Really look like? The truth is that, with technological evolution encouraging companies to move forward, their processes must be monitored more and more. Avoiding slips is the mission of companies that seek maximum efficiency. For this, it is necessary to have a “magnifying glass” pointed at the factory floor at all times. Thus, maintenance management can be applied broadly and accurately. But how to expand the actions, since in certain cases the software is restricted to the office, and the real maintenance – hands on – is on the factory floor?

The first part of the solution is to have a good ERP in the company. Not least, a 2018 survey found that investment in this type of technology was a priority for 53% of companies.

But after all, is this investment worth it? For 95% of the companies interviewed by Panorama Consulting, ERP came to improve their processes.

In the case of industries, whose plants have factories to create their products, the technological solution is even more necessary. In addition to organizing processes, aligning all production, an ERP such as SAP, which has the PM module, can also assist in maintenance management.

What is the SAP PM module?

Quickly: this is the Plant Maintenance (PM) management module present in SAP ERP.

Com ele, a empresa integra todo controle de manutenção, aparando as pontas soltas que a condução analógica do setor deixa. Thus, the company strengthens its preventive maintenance actions, planning each step inside the factory floor.

O módulo PM do SAP permite à empresa modernizar a forma com que lida com a manutenção do maquinário. Dessa forma, centraliza as informações e facilita o controle de cada intervenção feita — obtendo dados essenciais que, mais tarde, podem servir de insumo para aprimorar as estratégias.

What’s missing from the PM module?

Although a perfectly functional solution, companies that rely on the PM module can find scenarios in which they would like even more agility.

In other words, truth be told, while the ERP PM module works on a computer, real maintenance takes place on the factory floor.

Whether it’s a few or many steps away, but with limitations: what if there is an electrical instability, do employees lose contact with the software? How is the update of information and progress of your inspections – whether already scheduled or urgent?

That’s where SAN Mobile comes in. Understand more!

How can SAN Mobile impact your company’s management?

O SAN Mobile é um aplicativo desenvolvido pela Nalbatech, que pode ser integrado às soluções SAP, permitindo realizar a manutenção de forma remota.

A solução é específica para a gestão de manutenção e possibilita que os profissionais realizem inspeções e manutenções de forma ágil e remota, mesmo sem conexão online ao SAP PM.

This reduces the level of rework and maintenance failures, after all, regardless of whether or not they have an internet connection, the team is able to use the SAP PM data to carry out their work. The software, in turn, is updated with the application information once it is synchronized back to the Internet.

Thus, it is possible to reduce parallel interventions, which can disorganize the collected data and generate distrust in the solution.

Want to understand more about how SAN Mobile can add to your business and maintenance strategy? Check out!

Broad access to information and data

Certainly, the main benefit of SAN Mobile is the ability to work offline. That is, even in environments without an internet connection, the team has access to any system feature or functionality.

SAN Mobile professionals can access notes, orders, equipment data, installation locations, mediation documents, hours of activities and tasks, and more.

This is possible because SAN Mobile has a database of the application itself, which gives you the potential to use it even offline.

In other words, we talk about more mobility for its professionals and high accessibility to information and data, which enables the correct conduct of maintenance processes.

The application is customizable to the needs of your business

O SAN Mobile está disponível para integração para o SAP ECC.
Além disso, o aplicativo possibilita a personalização através de um projeto de customização de acordo com as suas necessidades. É um aplicativo dimensionado para atender a todos os segmentos, mas respeitando as regras de negócios estabelecidos no SAP, sejam as padrões ou customizadas.

In this way, SAN Mobile can be incorporated into the processes and demands of your business, running smoothly and promoting fluid usability for the team.

SAN Mobile strengthens its security policies

Segurança é questão de compliance e é preciso da atenção de toda equipe.
Com o SAN Mobile, quando um profissional for executar uma Ordem de Serviço planejada no módulo PM do SAP, o aplicativo pode enviar alertas específicos sobre o local, incluindo:

  • Height Risks;
  • Danger of Electric Shock;
  • Confined spaces;
  • High temperatures.

Other information can be shown, such as the guarantees given to each equipment. Thus, professionals and technicians are able to carry out an in-depth reading of each situation and order of service.

Utilizar o SAN Mobile fomenta a sustentabilidade

Por fim, é importante entender que o SAN Mobile é um amigo das políticas sustentáveis. Como ele está integrado ao sistema, toda estrutura de Ordens e informações pode ser acessada no dispositivo móvel.

Thus, your PCM sector avoids printing sheets and more sheets of paper with different Work Orders.

Com isso, sua gestão da manutenção centraliza e facilita o trato com os dados, reduzindo custos periféricos e tornando sua empresa mais amiga do meio ambiente.

How about starting right now to revolutionize your maintenance management with SAN Mobile integrated with your SAP? It is the certainty of a more efficient and assertive execution to your maintenance team, reducing the chances of failures and increasing the productivity of each one!

Talk to Nalbatech right nowand understand how SAN Mobile can be the perfect solution for your company!

Preventive maintenance management: know everything about it

Preventive maintenance management is essential when planning the maintenance of a company’s equipment, as it avoids major downtime in production and, consequently, waste of money. In addition, it is an essential item when it comes to safety and conservation of these essential tools in a factory.

In summary, the process aims to avoid machine failures and breakages during operation. It is a set of applied actions that seek to avoid the costs of purchasing new equipment. In addition, preventive maintenance helps to optimize expenses with corrective maintenance on equipment.

However, it does not recover equipment from failures, but rather prevents it from occurring during operation, also avoiding risks and wear on equipment. Thus, maintenance is carried out through periodic reviews of the parts and components of the operation.

According to the NBR-5462, maintenance is performed at predetermined intervals and corresponds to three types: corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance. What differentiates one from the other is the type of strategy adopted to keep the equipment available and safe.

The difference between preventive and predictive maintenance

Always keeping preventive and predictive maintenance up to date is a constant challenge for managers. In fact, a standstill equipment represents many costs of replacing parts, in addition to the loss of time with the interruption of production.

On the one hand, corrective maintenance consists of the immediate resolution of a problem caused by equipment, often unscheduled, which can cause enormous damage to the business. Corrective maintenance management is what ensures that unforeseen high costs are avoided.

On the other hand, preventive maintenance has the role of monitoring and controlling possible failures that occur in the performance of machines and equipment. This type of action is always planned and carried out periodically, within an operating schedule stipulated in the management of corrective maintenance. Generally, the manufacturer advises on the appropriate time for each equipment supervision to be done. This strategy is carried out regardless of whether the damages are presented or not.

Predictive maintenance is very similar to preventive maintenance. The difference is in the process of systematic inspection and compliance with the change in performance conditions and equipment parameters. That is, the action takes into account the analysis of the operation of the machines and equipment, without being scheduled in any schedule. When the monitoring professional identifies any performance problem, the planned corrective prevention is performed.

Types of preventive maintenance

There are many types of maintenance, however, with well-designed preventive maintenance management, two categories are regularly used: time-based preventive maintenance and usage-based preventive maintenance.

Time-based preventive maintenance

This type of maintenance consists of repairing or replacing parts of a machine or equipment based on a fixed interval of time. Regardless of whether the machine is working or not, the exchange is carried out, aiming to guarantee the safety and the proper functioning of the equipment without jeopardizing the production and the work flow in case of stoppage.

Preventive use-based maintenance

Usage-based preventive maintenance is performed after a specified number of hours of use, production cycles or mileage. For example, every 200 cycles or 15 thousand hours of use, maintenance is performed as a way to also avoid an unexpected stop in production to perform corrective maintenance on an emergency basis.

Or, in a more practical way in our day-to-day, the factory recommends that a car is revised every 10,000 kilometers, regardless of whether it has flaws or not, for example.

How to carry out maintenance management effectively

Even with the efficiency of the maintenance processes in correcting any problem in the equipment or machines as quickly as possible, there is a need for more efficiency in keeping everything running smoothly. Companies that do not work with good maintenance management, end up only putting out fires, worrying only when the equipment or the machine is already damaged.

This causes an even greater cost, in addition to delays in the production process. Therefore, numerous tools have emerged that contribute to the best maintenance results. As we have already mentioned, it is essential that preventive maintenance management be carried out, so that everything is properly planned.

This avoids unnecessary or urgent downtime for parts replacement or maintenance. This planning also avoids unforeseen events and wasted time. But what is the best way to manage effectively? Check out the tips we’ve separated below.

Define the best type of maintenance to be performed

First of all, it is very important that a diagnosis related to the structure and needs of a company is prepared to choose the best type of maintenance to be applied. Generally, the most used options are predictive or preventive maintenance. In addition, there may also be a plan in which the two types are carried out together.

The diagnosis can be made with the help of a service provider company specialized in this type of analysis. Business managers and owners should also participate, ensuring that the best alternatives are defined based on the context of the company.

Perform due control of maintenance costs

Managing maintenance costs is essential for any organization, especially in such a competitive market, in which managers seek more efficiency in production with ever lower expenses. Budget optimization is a differential that guarantees lower product prices.

Therefore, it is essential that maintenance be able to measure its costs through the management of preventive maintenance. In fact, maintenance plays a fundamental role in raising all costs through programmed planning, outsourced labor records and control of basic operating expenses, such as parts and own labor.

In order for the plan to be managed effectively, it is important to get rid of the countless spreadsheets used so far, and migrate to software that does this management automatically. The systems available on the market are capable of managing investments made at each stage, from scheduling maintenance to purchasing parts and services used.
With this process it is possible to optimize and monitor from the costs of the simplest to the most complex activities, even allowing for future visibility of maintenance expenses.

Analyze maintenance performance

Every good preventive maintenance management has a constant performance analysis. In other words, there is no point in wasting time planning if the effectiveness of the plan is not being guaranteed. Este tipo de análise garante que o plano seja revisado caso algo não esteja funcionando corretamente dentro do cronograma de atividades. But how to make this measurement?

The analysis can be done by extracting data based on the information collected by the technicians who perform the maintenance. The most important indicators are related to the asset’s real costs and the decision-making power that these data can allow.

For the indicators to be implemented, it is necessary to have a system for collecting and dealing with the data. These numbers can be tracked using the maintenance software. With the system, the indicators will be generated automatically and efficiently.

Plan preventive and predictive maintenance

Planning preventive and predictive maintenance is the basis of all effective management, as it reduces and prevents the breakdown of equipment and machines. However, drawing up a plan is a major challenge for professionals working in this area. In this case, as we mentioned earlier, software is very useful and helps to optimize preventive maintenance management.

There is a great difficulty in tracking maintenance data manually, since they are activated after a certain period or use in many critical equipment, making this monitoring difficult. A maintenance system is able to create a service order, based on appropriate triggers for each registered equipment.

Use maintenance process management systems

New technological tools can be essential for good planning. It is not new that there are several software specialized in the management of preventive maintenance. The solutions are focused on improving the operational efficiency of the industry. In fact, they are very effective in control and planning and allow easy integration with other systems such as ERP.

With a system it is possible to:

● Gather data;
● Issue alerts;
● Plan services;
● Create event history;
● Ensure greater stability;
● Higher productivity at the factory;
● Security in accessing information;
● Reduction of administrative and operational costs;
● Faster and more organized processes, also generating improvements in the flow of information. Faster Traduções de faster AdvérbioFrequência mais rápido faster mais depressa faster Sinônimos de faster Advérbio quicker Veja também fast

Control inventory and tools

A good preventive maintenance management has all the control of stock and tools used in the process. In fact, this means that problems can be corrected instantly, avoiding long stops if the tools are not available in stock.

With this control, it is also possible to easily find the location of each part required for maintenance. On the other hand, knowing which parts are available, what quantity is available and where they are located, optimizes time, reduces costs and increases productivity.

Therefore, it is important that a thorough check is made, with records of the date of withdrawal and return of each item used. This control can be done using a term of responsibility signed by each person who uses the tools or removes the parts.

Advantages of preventive maintenance management

Many managers do not understand the importance of a process and the real need for it for the proper functioning of the business or the production of an industry. Therefore, we list the main benefits of having a well planned maintenance management.

Production optimization

A poorly organized maintenance plan can interrupt processes and delay production, causing losses to the business. For this reason, good planning is essential for maintenance to happen with a schedule to stop the equipment. In addition, it is important to define the need for employees working on this process, ensuring that the company loses less money while investing in unnecessary time.

Compliance with laws and regulations

It is very important that the maintenance manager is aware of all laws and regulations that permeate this type of process, because if there is inspection during maintenance and the work does not comply with safety laws, the company may be fined.

Control of expenses

With preventive maintenance management, it is possible to keep under control all expenses generated with the maintenance of machines and equipment. Good planning also ensures that the budget defined for this area is better used, since the maintenance manager can decide on the supplier with the best cost benefit.

Scheduling tasks

An efficient planning works with the scheduling of tasks well defined in the schedule. However, it is necessary to know and understand the relative priority of equipment and machines.

Waste reduction

With a good preventive maintenance plan, it is possible to reduce a lot of waste in a factory, such as labor, time and materials. If the activities are not planned through the implementation of systematic procedures, there will certainly be a lot of waste of maintenance time. In addition, production will also not need to be stopped at a time that is in full swing, simply to perform maintenance that may not have been necessary at that time.

Now that you know the benefits and the importance of conducting preventive maintenance management effectively, how about starting to plan for your company? Get in touch with Nalbatech and find out how we can help you!