MPC and maintenance planning phases: what you need to do

Planning and maintenance are two complementary concepts. The sector responsible for repairing a company’s machinery and equipment has great importance in the performance of corporate activities.

In this context, maintenance planning and control arises. This process contributes to the structuring of the company in the face of the operation of the various departments, in addition to increasing the performance and productivity of employees.

If you are interested in knowing what are the phases of MPC and how this set of strategies works, keep up with the article we have prepared for you!

What is MPC?

Maintenance planning and control, or simply MPC, has great importance in the management of the company, as it is the area focused on having control of all maintenance that needs to be done, including the sectors that require more urgent maintenance, stop scheduling and so on.

Thus, the role of the MPC is to understand the scenario of maintenance that needs to be performed, execute them at the appropriate time, besides having the control and supervision of all processes related to the subject.

The concept is related to the maintenance engineer, and the activities and functions that fall within the area also depend on the management model adopted by each company and also on the needs of the day to day.

Therefore, strategic measures are applied to schedule maintenance and solve problems in machines and operators that are essential for the productive processes of the business.

MPC: what is its importance?

Maintenance planning and control have a significant impact on the company’s performance. After all, with the efficient use of machines and operators it is possible to ensure a beneficial production, without failures or interruptions that harm the tasks.

Therefore, maintenance is a theme that needs to be carefully considered, because we know that if it is not done properly the machinery is impacted, generating bigger problems for the company.

Thus, in order to avoid negative consequences, the MPC acts directly in the planning of actions, reducing risks and improving decisions, which will also be more accurate.

What are the phases of the MPC?

To make your planning more efficient, it’s important to follow a few steps. The MPC has attributions that make all the difference in the company’s results, and it is relevant to take into account the management adopted and the specificities of the processes. Know what are the stages of planning and control of maintenance!

Preparation of schedule

The schedule is an important step to guide your decisions and better understand the flow of each activity. Understanding which actions need to be put into practice, setting deadlines that are appropriate for the team and within the expectation of the company.

Stop schedule

Scheduling a stop is an essential aspect for greater control of planning and maintenance. Inserting this process into the routine of the business contributes to the repair of machinery and at what time it is more recommended that these maintenances occur.

In addition, scheduling helps when communicating production sectors before making adjustments, informing you in which period the stops will take place. Without having this information it is difficult to maintain productivity and make decisions that impact the different processes as little as possible.

Service instructions for scheduled maintenance

Another assignment of the MPC is the provision of instructions for scheduled maintenance, that is, it is necessary to specify what material resources will be used in each repair, with a complete description of the activities that will be impacted.

With this, there is a more efficient programming and all the steps are standardized, facilitating the work.

Planning resources for scheduled maintenance

After the instructions on how maintenance will be performed, it is time to plan material resources such as parts, tools, and other items.

This planning is essential for the company to be able to organize itself financially and, in addition, have a control of what will be important for each step, avoiding problems and loss of productivity.

Monitoring and verification

After all the phases mentioned above, the processes and activities involving maintenance are monitored. The results that were observed are considered, taking into account which steps still need to be applied.

If any fault is identified it is important that the necessary measures are taken to correct it.


During maintenance, several appliances are used. Therefore, they need to be measured periodically, being useful for repairs.

So make sure that all items are in good use, ensuring that maintenance is efficient.

What are the benefits of MPC?

The PCM generates several advantages for the company, and by taking the actions of the paper you guarantee positive points for management and also enhance the productivity of activities. We have separated below some of the benefits!

More productivity

Proper maintenance management affects productivity in virtually every industry, as equipment and machines where repairs are not performed can disrupt the work process or even make it difficult.

On the other hand, relying on maintenance planning and control keeps the production volume in line with expectations and contributes to a more productive work environment.

Reduced costs

Performing scheduled maintenance and within the given time limit reduces the risks of higher costs, such as investment in machinery and equipment.

Therefore, rework is reduced and employees have more significant productivity levels because there is a greater number of equipment available and in good condition for use.

Safety in production processes

Promoting safety for employees is a recurring concern in companies. The MPC is one of the guarantees to create a safe and productive environment for employees, regardless of the sector in which they operate.

Some equipment and machinery may pose serious risks to the employee’s health if they are not functioning properly. It is clear, then, the importance of investing in planned maintenance.

MPC is a set of important actions for companies, with steps that help structure maintenance management. As we highlight throughout the article, investing in this type of planning offers several benefits to the business, especially in relation to productivity and employee safety.

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